Thursday, December 18, 2014

4a) and 4b)

4a) Make a final decision about your logical argument research topic. What is it? Questions to ask yourself:
What have we been studying in class this year?
I have been study a lot of stuff this year in school. This year i have Spanish 4 and economics, i learned a lot of new stuff in economics such as the stock market, and i didn't learn anything new in Spanish 4. Also this year I have learned a lot in in English 12, I have read a lot of new books and short stories.
Which subjects appeal to me?

History and Spanish 4 appeal to me because learning new things is very interesting. I like Spanish because i learn a new language, and i like history because the past is interesting.
What are people writing about?

People are writing about the Stock Market and Southern Gothic Literature.
What's most interesting to me?

Learning about history is the most interesting to me. I like to learn about past wars, and other stuff that occurred in history, and is important.
Can I find information about that?

Yes i can find information about this. I can look everywhere and find information about history.

4b) Why are you most interested in the topic of argument selected?

I find animal cruelty the most interesting topic, because i love animals like my dog and i want this to stop. I think that animal entertainment industry should be regulated by animal owners and carers.  Animal rights activists contend that the use of animals for sports or entertainment can also be considered animal cruelty. They claim that activities such as horse racing, dogfighting and circuses cause animals to suffer needlessly in the name of entertainment. Others believe there is nothing wrong with using animals for entertainment purposes, as long as the animals are treated humanely. I think that animal cruelty is wrong and it should stop. If their is anything i can do to stop it i will find a way.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Prewriting questions and Critical Thinking and Analysis

4) Prewriting Question

  • What cases can be made for or against X?

1. You can make a case against abortion. You can argue that abortion is wrong, and their should be a law or an amendment stating abortion is illegal. Women shouldn't be the only ones who have the right to abortion they should consider other individuals thoughts. Or the government/law should make a law where only the state can have the right to grant you an abortion.

2. You can make a case against animal cruelty. You can argue that animal cruelty should be illegal, and a law should be passed to prevent animals from being abused. The government/ law should be more concerned with this topic. they should create laws banning animal cruelty and abuse.

3. You can make a case against drink driving. You can argue that drunk driving is wrong, and shouldn't be allowed. You can create protests and boycotts in order to get a law or amendment passed to end drunk driving. I think the government should create a law wear drunk driving isn't allowed, i understand you can get a ticket or jail time, however that isn't enough. A drunk driver is put other drivers in danger.

4. You can make a case for cults. You can make a case for cults because you might want to start a cult. A cult can be a group of people you know, and you can create new friends. i think cults are usually a bunch of individual joining together an discussing certain idea.

5. You can make a case against date rape. You can argue that date rape is wrong, and it should be illegal in all states.

Animal Cruelty:

Critical Thinking & Analysis

  1. Should animal welfare laws include provisions for animals being used for entertainment purposes? Animal rights activists contend that the use of animals for sports or entertainment can also be considered animal cruelty. They claim that activities such as horse racing, dogfighting and circuses cause animals to suffer needlessly in the name of entertainment. Others believe there is nothing wrong with using animals for entertainment purposes, as long as the animals are treated humanely.
  2. Explain why some animal rights activists view horse racing and circuses as cruel to animals. They claim that activities such as horse racing, dogfighting and circuses cause animals to suffer needlessly in the name of entertainment.
  3. Who should regulate the animal entertainment industry? I think that animal entertainment industry should be regulated by animal owners and carers. 

Drunk Driving:

Critical Thinking & Analysis

  1. Should states adopt stricter penalties for drivers who refuse to take a BAC test? Why or why not? Ye states should adopt stricter penalties for drivers who refuse to take a BAC Test. I think they need this to make the roads save.
  2. Should laws be enacted that require ignition-interlock devices for all convicted drunk drivers, including first-time offenders? Why or why not? yes laws should be enacted that require ignition-interlock devices for all convicted drunk drivers, including first-time offenders. this should happen so everyone learns not to do it again even fist offenders.
  3. Do you think DUI checkpoints should be used more often and in more places? Explain. Yes i think DUI check points should be created everywhere. This will also help keep the roads save.
  4. Describe other measures you think could be implemented to reduce drunk driving. I think bars should close earlier. They should make more drinking laws.

Critical Thinking & Analysis

  1. Should new religious movements be allowed to proselytize on college campuses? Yes  new religious movements be allowed to proselytize on college campuses. If they have the right to do this that i believe that they should. 
  2. What impact are new religious movements having on mainstream religions?One trait that these groups do have in common is that they operate outside the mainstream religious establishment. An event in 1978 involving The People's Temple in Jonestown, Guyana, garnered widespread media attention when its leader induced more than 900 of his followers to commit suicide.
  3. Do new religious movements pose a threat to society? Sometimes new religious movements can pose a threat to society. However it depends on their beliefs.
  4. What does the emergence of so many new religious movements say about our society? It says that a lot of people are changing their thoughts in life. Also people are creating new religions because they feel that something has inspired them.
  5. What is the cultural significance of new religious movements? Some argue that the possible harm from these movements calls for increased restrictions on religious freedom. Others stress that the religious liberty of such movements outweighs any risk of danger.
Date Rape:

Critical Thinking & Analysis

  1. How can the use of cell phones contribute to dating violence and harassment? With a cell phone you can make phone calls and harass someone, and text them something dirty or violent. The phone can be used to harass individuals.
  2. Why do some girls stay in abusive relationships? They think that the boyfriend or husband is still in love with them. Also they think that they don't mean to be abusive but their wrong. Many teens use cell phones and computers as tools of control and abuse in dating relationships. Young girls and women often do not know how to get out of abusive situations.
  3. What can be done to educate teens and their parents about the warning signs of dating violence? More schools are providing programs to teach teens the warning signs of abusive relationships and provide them with the tools they need to leave violent and controlling partners. 
  4. Do you think the prevalence of sexual content in the media contributes to dating violence? Why or why not? Some people think that dating violence is increasing because many girls are afraid to stand up to an aggressive and controlling boy. Others blame the violent and sexual content in the media as a contributing factor in dating violence. Also people can see a lot of violent stuff on TV and try it to their girlfriends.

Critical Thinking & Analysis
  1. Should abortion continue to be legal as stipulated by Roe v. Wade? Why or why not?Most people who oppose abortion do so because of their strong religious beliefs. Those who are pro-choice believe that a woman should be allowed to decide for herself whether or not she should terminate her pregnancy. Although the majority of people on this side of the debate dislike the idea of abortion and wish there were fewer unplanned pregnancies, they support a woman's access to safe and legal abortions. i think that abortion shouldn't be legal.
  2. What are the medical implications of the U.S. Supreme Court decision to uphold the constitutionality of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act? The Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld a law that banned a type of late-term abortion, a ruling that could portend enormous social, legal and political implications for the divisive issue. The sharply divided 5-4 ruling could prove historic. It sends a possible signal of the court's willingness, under Chief Justice John Roberts, to someday revisit the basic right to abortion guaranteed in the 1973 Roe v. Wade case.
  3. Are there any situations in which abortions should be declared illegal or be severely restricted? Yes, I think abortion overall should be restricted and illegal. However stats allow abortion so it wont be illegal or restricted.
  4. Which side in the debate has been more successful in making their case on the issue of abortion and why?  i think the side that is against abortion has been more successful. The majority of people on this side of the debate dislike the idea of abortion and wish there were fewer unplanned pregnancies, they support a woman's access to safe and legal abortions. i think that abortion shouldn't be legal.
  5. Based upon your understanding of the core beliefs and principles of the major camps in this discussion, is compromise possible? Why or why not? I think that compromise isn't possible. Their are a lot of debates, and it will stay a debated argument. Until everyone agrees on one side, it will still be a debate.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Potential research topics

3) Potential research topics

Choose five topics that you think are potential research topics for your paper and briefly (in 2 to 5 sentences) explain why these topics are of interest to you.
1 .Abortion- I find abortion interesting because it is taking of a life, and i would like to stop it. I want to learn more about this topic. I know Abortion is wrong, and if i can learn more about this topic i would like to stop it.
2. Animal Cruelty- I don't like the idea of animal cruelty. I would like to learn more to see if i can do anything about it. Since I have a dog, and i really like animals this topic interests me because i find animal cruelty wrong. I would like to stop animal cruelty all over the world if i can.
3. Drunk Driving - I think drunk driving is wrong. I feel more people should stop driving while drunk. Since I am about to start driving soon i would like the roads to be safe. In order for the roads to be safe, their has to be no drunk driving. This topic is interesting to me because I would really like the roads to be clean and safe.
4. Cults- I am not to informed on cults. So i would like to know more about them, and how they are created. This is an interesting topic to me.
5. Date Rape- I am not to informed on Date Rape. So I would like to learn more about it to stop it. 
2) What "ticks you off"?

Make a list of four or five things that "tick you off." Explain why. (Choose significant things that others might experience as well. For instance, your little brother might tick you off, but there is little chance that this annoyance will yield a possible paper topic). It is possible that one of these annoyances can be transformed into an interesting, engaging, and researchable project.
1. School ticks me off sometimes, because i would get more work than i can handles, and its hard to complete it all in time. School ticks me off because i get alot of work, and not enough time to finish it.
2. Having to walk up the hill to school ticks me off. Since i am tired in the morning and it is very cold, it become harder to walk up the hill to school.
3. Getting up early in the morning to get to school ticks me off.Getting up early ticks me off because sometimes I don't sleep enough at night ,a and i am very tired in the morning, and in school.
4  Animal cruelty ticks me off because it not nice to fair to abuse and innocent animal.If the animal is innocent and didn't do anything to you, and you decide to hit it ticks me off. The animal is innocent.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Wikipedia Story Redo

  1. What did wiki software allow Web users to do that the Mosaic browser did not? Wiki servers allowed users to edit web pages. Mosaic browser didn't allowed allow users to edit web pages.
  2. What do blogs and wikis have in common? Wiki was created to share information online in 1995. Both wikis and blogs allow users to share information online.
  3. What problem did a young Jimmy Wales find with the World Book Encyclopedia? Nupedia had only about a dozen articles published, making it useless as an encyclopedia, The website was not engineered up to scale, and not a lot of people used it because they found it useless.
  4. How was Jimmy Wales inspired by the World Book Encyclopedia to create Wikipedia? Jimmy Wales used wiki software on Nupedia to create Wikipedia. This software he used inspired him to create Wikipedia.
  5. How have encyclopedias inspired you in your own life? Encyclopedias haven't inspired my life. I don't use encyclopedias and i will never use them because i use the internet.
  6. Why did Nupedia fail? It was a painfully slow process and, worse yet, not a lot of fun.  It had been rigorously engineered not to scale. It took a long time to write the articles.
  7. How did wiki software change the ideas behind Nupedia? Like many digital-age innovations, the application of wiki software to Nupedia in order to create Wikipedia—combining two ideas to create an innovation—was a collaborative process in­volving thoughts that were already in the air. It changed the ideas because two ideas were put together to create one.
  8. What is “crowdsourcing?” Crowdsourcing is the process of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by receiving contributions from other corporation, and especially from an online community, rather than from traditional employees or suppliers. The process of crowdsourcing is often used to subdivide tedious work.
  9. What do you think about the concept of “any fool in the world” being able to write articles for Wikipedia? I don't like the concept of " any fool in the world" being able to write articles.I personally belive that it is not a great idea.
  10. Do agree with the idea that “total idiots” could edit Wikipedia and of that being a good thing? Explain. I don't agree with that idea. I don't agree with the idea of "total idiots" because people can write anything they want. Also if someone writes what ever they want it wont be legitimate or helpful to others.
  11. Why do you think Wikipedia grew so fast and became so popular in such a short amount of time? I think Wikipedia grew so fast because people liked the idea of Wikipedia. So they started using it a lot.
  12. Do you believe Sanger’s elitist attitude was a good thing or a bad thing for Wikipedia? Yes i believe that Sanger's elitist attitude was a good thing for Wikipedia. I feel like it helped Wikipedia grow.
  13. What did you learn from the anecdote about the Wikipedia article on Einstein going to Albania for a passport in 1935? I learned that the anecdote is wrong. The information used is false and doesnt make sense.
  14. Explain this quote from the article: “I can’t imagine who could have written such detailed guidelines other than a bunch of people working together...It’s common in Wikipedia that we’ll come to a solution that’s really well thought out because so many minds have had a crack at improving it.” The quote mean thats people at wikipedia work together to create good wikis or articles.The hard work shows that good wikis can be created with intelligent people that work together.
  15. The author of the article states that Wikipedia “grew organically.” What does he mean by that? This means that Wikipedia grew with both its content and its governance sprouting from its grassroots. Wikipedia was able to spread so fast without anything going wrong.
  16. How has Wikipedia “been the greatest collaborative knowledge project in history?” Wikipedia has grew very fast. Wikipedia has over millions of articles about historical events that happened in history. So Wikipedia has a lot of articles on historical events that occurred. 
  17. Based on your own opinion and experience with Wikipedia, do you agree with the above statement or disagree with it? Explain. Yes, i do agree with the statement above. I agree because wikipedia has a lot of articles on historical events that already happened.
  18. What does the author mean by “wiki-crack?” There is something fundamental, almost primordial at work. Some Wikipedians refer to it as “wiki-crack.” It’s the rush of dopamine that seems to hit the brain’s pleasure center when you make a smart edit and it appears instantly in a Wikipedia article. Until recently, being published was a pleasure afforded only to a select few. 
  19. Based on the article, do you believe Wikipedia is a reliable source of information? Yes, i believe that Wikipedia is a reliable source. They have very educational articles, and they weren't successful at first, and now they are.
  20. Do you believe its possible for a 16-year-old from New Jersey to write “insightful” Wikipedia articles? I don't necessarily believe that a 16 year old from NJ know how to write a insightful article. But if they were smart enough they would be able to write an insightful article.
  21. How do you feel about basing your own research on something a 16-year-old wrote on Wikipedia? I don't feel to good about a 16 year old boy being the base of my research. i feel that the 16 years old isn't smart enough and he isn't well educated enough to write articles since he is only in High school.
  22. What does Jimmy Wales mean by this mission statement: “Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge?” He means that Wikipedia can give information to everyone in the world, when they work together. He thinks that people writing these articles can help others in society.
  23. Do you agree or disagree with this mission statement? I agree with this mission statement. Wikipedia has been very successful online place to find information. I use wikipedia often to do my work in school.
  24. Do you think Wikipedia has succeeded in its mission? Yes, i think Wikipedia has succeeded in its mission. A lot of people use Wikipedia for their information. Wikipedia is a very successful place for research. also wikipedia has grown very fast.
  25. Do you agree or disagree that ordinary people, people without degrees, can “be part of the process of creating and distributing knowledge?” I disagree with people that aren't educated using wikipedia. I think that people who have college degrees and are well educated should write these article. Not individuals still in high school.
  26. Based on your reading of the article, would you yourself use Wikipedia for your academic research? I might consider using wikipedia for academic research. However it depends on what topic to me.
  27. Would you yourself like to write and/or edit Wikipedia articles in order to be “a part of the process of creating and distributing knowledge?” Why or why not? Yes, i Would want to write these articles. However not now maybe after i graduate from college.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Homework Assignment 1

1) If you believe that all students should be Web literate, what is the best strategy for your school to prepare you with this skill? Explain.

     I feel that all students should be web literate. It is very important to know how to use the computer to search up information and write homework or work. The best strategy is to create a computer class or a College Research Class like CSIHSIS has, this will help students learn how to use and work a computer. With a class like computer class or College Research class students can create skills on the computer, and learn things they never knew. Therefore students need to edcate themselves on the internet and computers to be web literate.

2) What skills should all teachers have to be Web literate? Explain.

     A teacher should have the skills to use a computer and understand how a computer works to be web literate. A teacher should know computer terms such as URL, Truncate, and HTTP. A teacher should be able to find out ip addresses, and use websites. A teacher should be able to truncate a website. Also for a teacher to be web literate a teacher needs to know the basic concepts of a computer  such as how to turn it, how to type, and how to install and setup programs for web browsing. Therefore, a teacher need to know everything about a computer.
3) What role should school filtering play in your school district? Explain why schools should block or not block Web sites.

     I think school filtering should not play in out school district. School filtering can ban useful website that students need to find information and help them work. Schools should not block websites because some website can be used to help students learn or do their work. Also students can't find information that is useful to them because the website is banned. Therefore school filtering and banning website effect students learning and it shouldn't be allowed.

4) Do you believe the Internet is as big a transformer of culture as the printing press? Explain.

      Yes, I believe that the internet is a big transformer of culture as the printing press. The printing press took longer to inform people on news happening, and in a matter of seconds you can post information on the internet for everyone to see. The internet is a faster way of messaging people than the printing press was. Now with the internet people can search up information instead of reading the newspaper. Therefore the internet is a big transformation that has advanced civilization for the better.

5) If yes, what parts of our culture do you believe will be most affected? Explain.

     I feel that all parts of culture are affected by the internet. People are able to get news in the matter of seconds on their computers and phones. People can now socialize easier, on social media such as twitter, Facebook, gmail, email, and instagram. Also people who read newspapers and buy newspapers can use their computers, tablets, or phones to read the paper for free. Therefore everyone in society and all parts our culture have been most affected by the internet.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Everything is Interesting

  1.      The subject I most enjoy reading about is government and global issues because it is very interesting. It allows you to learn about the global problems and issues occurring. I enjoy this because I like to know what happens around the world and not only in the United States.
  2.      My favorite hobby or past time is playing video games on my PS4. I also enjoy playing basketball with my friends any chance I get. I also enjoy watching sports as a hobby such as football on Sundays and basketball everyday.
  3.      If I won the lottery, I would use the money to benefit society by helping individuals who are poor and struggling in life. I would donate to different types of charity's. I would also use the money on my family and buy them things they want, and I would buy myself something like a house or a car.
  4.      The type of volunteer activity I prefer is helping the homeless. I like to help the homeless by donating clothes or supplies such as food and water.
  5.      My favorite school subject has been U.S. History because I enjoy learning about the history of the United States. U.S History allows you to learn about significant individuals who made the U.S. what it is today. Also U.S History is my favorite subject because it was an easy class, all I needed to do was taking tests and write essays.
  6. If I ran the world, the first thing I would change would be the Economy I would make sure no one is ever poor. I would distribute equal tax to everyone, and make sure nobody is taxed unfairly. I Would also change other problems and issues that I can do if possible.