Thursday, November 20, 2014

Potential research topics

3) Potential research topics

Choose five topics that you think are potential research topics for your paper and briefly (in 2 to 5 sentences) explain why these topics are of interest to you.
1 .Abortion- I find abortion interesting because it is taking of a life, and i would like to stop it. I want to learn more about this topic. I know Abortion is wrong, and if i can learn more about this topic i would like to stop it.
2. Animal Cruelty- I don't like the idea of animal cruelty. I would like to learn more to see if i can do anything about it. Since I have a dog, and i really like animals this topic interests me because i find animal cruelty wrong. I would like to stop animal cruelty all over the world if i can.
3. Drunk Driving - I think drunk driving is wrong. I feel more people should stop driving while drunk. Since I am about to start driving soon i would like the roads to be safe. In order for the roads to be safe, their has to be no drunk driving. This topic is interesting to me because I would really like the roads to be clean and safe.
4. Cults- I am not to informed on cults. So i would like to know more about them, and how they are created. This is an interesting topic to me.
5. Date Rape- I am not to informed on Date Rape. So I would like to learn more about it to stop it. 
2) What "ticks you off"?

Make a list of four or five things that "tick you off." Explain why. (Choose significant things that others might experience as well. For instance, your little brother might tick you off, but there is little chance that this annoyance will yield a possible paper topic). It is possible that one of these annoyances can be transformed into an interesting, engaging, and researchable project.
1. School ticks me off sometimes, because i would get more work than i can handles, and its hard to complete it all in time. School ticks me off because i get alot of work, and not enough time to finish it.
2. Having to walk up the hill to school ticks me off. Since i am tired in the morning and it is very cold, it become harder to walk up the hill to school.
3. Getting up early in the morning to get to school ticks me off.Getting up early ticks me off because sometimes I don't sleep enough at night ,a and i am very tired in the morning, and in school.
4  Animal cruelty ticks me off because it not nice to fair to abuse and innocent animal.If the animal is innocent and didn't do anything to you, and you decide to hit it ticks me off. The animal is innocent.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Wikipedia Story Redo

  1. What did wiki software allow Web users to do that the Mosaic browser did not? Wiki servers allowed users to edit web pages. Mosaic browser didn't allowed allow users to edit web pages.
  2. What do blogs and wikis have in common? Wiki was created to share information online in 1995. Both wikis and blogs allow users to share information online.
  3. What problem did a young Jimmy Wales find with the World Book Encyclopedia? Nupedia had only about a dozen articles published, making it useless as an encyclopedia, The website was not engineered up to scale, and not a lot of people used it because they found it useless.
  4. How was Jimmy Wales inspired by the World Book Encyclopedia to create Wikipedia? Jimmy Wales used wiki software on Nupedia to create Wikipedia. This software he used inspired him to create Wikipedia.
  5. How have encyclopedias inspired you in your own life? Encyclopedias haven't inspired my life. I don't use encyclopedias and i will never use them because i use the internet.
  6. Why did Nupedia fail? It was a painfully slow process and, worse yet, not a lot of fun.  It had been rigorously engineered not to scale. It took a long time to write the articles.
  7. How did wiki software change the ideas behind Nupedia? Like many digital-age innovations, the application of wiki software to Nupedia in order to create Wikipedia—combining two ideas to create an innovation—was a collaborative process in­volving thoughts that were already in the air. It changed the ideas because two ideas were put together to create one.
  8. What is “crowdsourcing?” Crowdsourcing is the process of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by receiving contributions from other corporation, and especially from an online community, rather than from traditional employees or suppliers. The process of crowdsourcing is often used to subdivide tedious work.
  9. What do you think about the concept of “any fool in the world” being able to write articles for Wikipedia? I don't like the concept of " any fool in the world" being able to write articles.I personally belive that it is not a great idea.
  10. Do agree with the idea that “total idiots” could edit Wikipedia and of that being a good thing? Explain. I don't agree with that idea. I don't agree with the idea of "total idiots" because people can write anything they want. Also if someone writes what ever they want it wont be legitimate or helpful to others.
  11. Why do you think Wikipedia grew so fast and became so popular in such a short amount of time? I think Wikipedia grew so fast because people liked the idea of Wikipedia. So they started using it a lot.
  12. Do you believe Sanger’s elitist attitude was a good thing or a bad thing for Wikipedia? Yes i believe that Sanger's elitist attitude was a good thing for Wikipedia. I feel like it helped Wikipedia grow.
  13. What did you learn from the anecdote about the Wikipedia article on Einstein going to Albania for a passport in 1935? I learned that the anecdote is wrong. The information used is false and doesnt make sense.
  14. Explain this quote from the article: “I can’t imagine who could have written such detailed guidelines other than a bunch of people working together...It’s common in Wikipedia that we’ll come to a solution that’s really well thought out because so many minds have had a crack at improving it.” The quote mean thats people at wikipedia work together to create good wikis or articles.The hard work shows that good wikis can be created with intelligent people that work together.
  15. The author of the article states that Wikipedia “grew organically.” What does he mean by that? This means that Wikipedia grew with both its content and its governance sprouting from its grassroots. Wikipedia was able to spread so fast without anything going wrong.
  16. How has Wikipedia “been the greatest collaborative knowledge project in history?” Wikipedia has grew very fast. Wikipedia has over millions of articles about historical events that happened in history. So Wikipedia has a lot of articles on historical events that occurred. 
  17. Based on your own opinion and experience with Wikipedia, do you agree with the above statement or disagree with it? Explain. Yes, i do agree with the statement above. I agree because wikipedia has a lot of articles on historical events that already happened.
  18. What does the author mean by “wiki-crack?” There is something fundamental, almost primordial at work. Some Wikipedians refer to it as “wiki-crack.” It’s the rush of dopamine that seems to hit the brain’s pleasure center when you make a smart edit and it appears instantly in a Wikipedia article. Until recently, being published was a pleasure afforded only to a select few. 
  19. Based on the article, do you believe Wikipedia is a reliable source of information? Yes, i believe that Wikipedia is a reliable source. They have very educational articles, and they weren't successful at first, and now they are.
  20. Do you believe its possible for a 16-year-old from New Jersey to write “insightful” Wikipedia articles? I don't necessarily believe that a 16 year old from NJ know how to write a insightful article. But if they were smart enough they would be able to write an insightful article.
  21. How do you feel about basing your own research on something a 16-year-old wrote on Wikipedia? I don't feel to good about a 16 year old boy being the base of my research. i feel that the 16 years old isn't smart enough and he isn't well educated enough to write articles since he is only in High school.
  22. What does Jimmy Wales mean by this mission statement: “Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge?” He means that Wikipedia can give information to everyone in the world, when they work together. He thinks that people writing these articles can help others in society.
  23. Do you agree or disagree with this mission statement? I agree with this mission statement. Wikipedia has been very successful online place to find information. I use wikipedia often to do my work in school.
  24. Do you think Wikipedia has succeeded in its mission? Yes, i think Wikipedia has succeeded in its mission. A lot of people use Wikipedia for their information. Wikipedia is a very successful place for research. also wikipedia has grown very fast.
  25. Do you agree or disagree that ordinary people, people without degrees, can “be part of the process of creating and distributing knowledge?” I disagree with people that aren't educated using wikipedia. I think that people who have college degrees and are well educated should write these article. Not individuals still in high school.
  26. Based on your reading of the article, would you yourself use Wikipedia for your academic research? I might consider using wikipedia for academic research. However it depends on what topic to me.
  27. Would you yourself like to write and/or edit Wikipedia articles in order to be “a part of the process of creating and distributing knowledge?” Why or why not? Yes, i Would want to write these articles. However not now maybe after i graduate from college.